best365官网下载最新版本免费版:谷歌这下倒霉了! 将面临欧盟前所未有的巨额罚单!
Google faces a record antitrust fine of around 3 billion euros ($3.4 billion) from the European Commission in the coming weeks, the British newspaper Sunday Telegraph said.据英国《星期日电讯报》报导,在未来几周内,谷歌将面对欧盟委员会班车的30亿欧元左右(折算34亿美元)的创纪录反垄断罚单。The European Union has accused Google of promoting its shopping service in Internet searches at the expense of rival services in a case that has dragged on since late 2010.谷歌因在网络搜寻中推展自家购物服务、抨击竞争对手而遭欧盟指控,该案件自2010年末仍然停放在了现在。Several people familiar with the matter told Reuters last month they believed that after three failed attempts at a compromise in the past six years Google now had no plans to try to settle the allegations unless the EU watchdog changed its stance.几位熟悉这件事的涉及人士上个月拒绝接受路透社专访时回应,在过去的六年中,谷歌曾三次和欧盟协商消弭纠纷,均告失败。
他们以此指出,谷歌现在没解决问题这些指控的计划,除非欧盟的监管机构转变自己的立场。The Telegraph cited sources close to the situation as saying officials planned to announce the fine as early as next month, but that the bill had not yet been finalized.《星期日电讯报》援引知悉内情的消息人士称之为,官员计划最先在下个月发布罚款事宜,但是罚金数额仍未最后定案。
Google will also be banned from continuing to manipulate search results to favor itself and harm rivals, the newspaper said.该报认为,谷歌也将被禁令之后操控搜寻结果,以使自身举出、伤害竞争对手。The Commission can fine firms up to 10 percent of their annual sales, which in Googles case would be a maximum possible sanction of more than 6 billion euros. The biggest antitrust fine to date was a 1.1 billion euro fine of chip-maker Intel in 2009.欧盟委员会对企业班车的罚金最低平均其年销售额的10%,这意味著谷歌面对的罚款最低有可能多达60亿欧元。芯片制造商英特尔2009年被罚11亿欧元,是迄今为止金额仅次于的反垄断罚单。The Commission declined to comment, while Google did not immediately respond to a request for comment.欧盟委员会拒绝接受就此事公开发表评论,而谷歌公司方面也没立刻对置评催促做出对此。