Google has launched its competitor to Apple Pay - turning Android phones into a credit card.谷歌发售苹果缴纳的竞争产品安卓缴纳,安卓缴纳可以使安卓手机构建信用卡的功能。The firm says it will give millions of people a new way to buy goods and services using their phones.谷歌称之为,安卓缴纳将向数百万人获取用于手机出售商品和服务的一种新的方式。It was thought the payment system would launch alongside Googles Marshmallow operating system, expected in October, but Google launched it on Thursday.外界本以为该缴纳系统将于10月份和谷歌的“棉花糖”操作系统(即安卓6.0)一起公布,没想到谷歌在9月10日就将它发售市场了。It is a direct competitor to Apple Pay, and does almost exactly the same thing - except on Android phones.安卓缴纳是苹果缴纳的必要竞争对手,它和苹果缴纳的功能完全完全一致,只是它在安卓手机上运营。
Today, were beginning to roll out Android Pay - the simple and secure way to pay with your Android phone at over one million locations across the US, Google said in a blog post.谷歌在博客中宣告:“今天,我们开始推展安卓缴纳——这种用于安卓手机缴纳的方式非常简单而且安全性,可在全美逾百万家商铺展开交易”。Android Pay also stores your gift cards, loyalty cards and special offers right on your phone.“安卓缴纳还能把礼品卡、积分卡和尤其优惠必要不存在你手机里。
”Well be rolling out gradually over the next few days, and this is just the beginning.“我们将在接下来几天内持续发售涉及服务,这只是一个开始。”We will continue to add even more features, banks and store locations in the coming months, making it even easier to pay with your Android phone.“接下来几个月,我们还不会将之后减少更加多功能,反对安卓缴纳的银行和商铺也不会更加多,用安卓手机缴纳将显得更为便利。
”Google says the service will work at over one million locations across the US.谷歌称之为这项缴纳服务将进驻全美逾百万家商铺。Existing Google Wallet users can access Android Pay through an update to your Wallet app.早已在用于谷歌钱包的用户可以通过升级谷歌钱包应用于构建安卓缴纳的功能。For new users, Android Pay will be available for download on Google Play in the next few days, and will come preinstalled on new NFC-enabled Android phones from ATT, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless.新的用户接下来几天就可以在Google Play(Google为安卓设备研发的在线应用程序商店)中iTunes安卓缴纳应用于,运营商ATT、T-Mobile和Verizon Wireless新的上市的反对将近场通讯(NFC)技术的安卓手机也不会笔记本电脑安卓缴纳。Google also emphasised the security of the system, which like Apple Pay, doesnt reveal a users real card number.谷歌还特别强调了安卓缴纳系统的安全性,同苹果缴纳一样,它会泄漏用户现实的银行卡号。
We know how important it is to keep your personal and financial information secure, so Android Pay is supported by industry standard tokenization.“我们告诉维护用户个人信息及财务信息安全的重要性,所以安卓缴纳应用于了工业级水准的标记化技术。”This means your real credit or debit card number isnt sent with your payment. Instead, well use a virtual account number that provides an extra layer of security.“这意味著在交易时你的信用卡号或借记卡号会被发送到,我们不会用于一个虚拟世界账号来获取额外的维护。”As soon as you make a purchase, youll see a payment confirmation that shows where a given transaction happened, so its easy to catch any suspicious activity.“一旦再次发生购物不道德,用户就不会看见缴纳证实信息,表明这桩交易的再次发生地点,所以任何怀疑的活动都很更容易找到。
”Users will simply have to unlock their phone like they normally do and place it near a merchants contactless terminal to make a payment.用户只需像平时一样关卡手机,将手机附近商家的非接触式终端才可缴纳。No app needs to be open and they will see a payment confirmation and get transaction details on their phone.不须要关上任何应用程序,用户就可以在手机上接到缴纳证实信息和交易下文。With select retailers, loyalty points and special offers will be automatically applied at checkout.在精选辑零售商处结账时,积分卡分数和尤其优惠也不会自动生效。
Android Pay will store a users credit, debit and loyalty card details, so when they are in a shop, they will simply have to unlock their phone to authenticate a payment and tap their phone on an Android Pay terminal to buy goods.安卓缴纳将储存用户信用卡、借记卡和积分卡的下文,当用户在商铺时,他们只需关卡手机检验缴纳,在安卓缴纳终端上刷一下手机就能出售商品。Transaction details will be sent to the handset and some retailers will offer loyalty points for using it.交易下文将发送至手机,一些零售商还不会给用于安卓缴纳的顾客奖励分数。For online purchases, users will be able to hit a Buy with Android Pay button to avoid having to enter their bank details and shipping address each time.在线购物时,用户可以页面“用于安卓缴纳”的按钮以防止每次交易都要输出银行卡信息和收货地址。When it does eventually launch, Android Pay will be accepted at more than 700,000 store locations across the US, and in over 1,000 Android apps, Google said. And well be adding more every day.谷歌称之为,安卓缴纳月发售后,全美将有多达70万家商铺,还有逾千个安卓应用于反对这一缴纳方式。